Cabecera FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find the answer to the most frequent questions about the platform.


Space that the Social Security makes available to academic institutions and researchers so that they can request access to information sources that will allow them to carry out studies and analyzes on the labor market and its evolution

Public or private institutions that carry out scientific research work (public and private organisations, universities and non-profit entities that carry out scientific research functions and this is stated among their objectives in their constitution or operation regulations), social agents, services of the Administration and other institutions that carry out statistical studies and analyzes of public interest, for non-commercial purposes and undertake to follow the details contained in the documents on the conditions of use of the information sources for which access is requested.

Today, the Data Platform for Social Security Researchers offers the following sources of information: 'Company/worker data panel (PET)' and 'Continuous Sample of Labor Lives (MCVL)', with information from the Labor Market. These files are sent to the investigator upon request.

On the other hand, information on affiliation and ERTEs, benefits and maritime social action and maritime training is offered. These files are only available in the Research Rooms.

Social Security will incorporate into this platform other statistics and reports that are currently published in the statistics section of its website

In the statistics section of the Social Security website, you will find the rest of the statistics and reports published by the Social Security, related to areas of Affiliation and registration of workers, Contribution Bases and contributors, Contribution Account Codes, Pensions and Pensioners, Other Social Security benefits, Observatory of Social Security professional contingencies, Other information on Social Protection, Approved Budget, Statistics publication calendar of the Secretary of State for Social Security.

Once the data source request is received, Social Security must review it. In the case of being approved, you will be contacted to send it to you.

In any product for disseminating results obtained from the processing of information from the 'Company/worker data panel (PET)' or the 'Continuous Sample of Labor Lives (MCVL)', the data source must be stated as the General Treasury of the Social Security and the General Directorate of Social Security, respectively. In addition, the institutions have the obligation to send the dissemination products to the General Treasury of the Social Security in the case of the 'Company/worker data panel (PET)' and to the General Directorate of Social Security Management in the case of the 'Continuous Sample of Labor Lives (MCVL)'. These Social Security entities can publish them in the 'Studies' section of the Open Data Platform for researchers.